Teaching and Advising

I enjoy teaching as it gives me the opportunity to educate and engage students intellectually. My teaching philosophy is based around the idea of active and experiential learning, where students learn the concepts and techniques by participating and engaging in various activities such as educational games, case studies, discussions, and problem-solving. I believe that such an approach would not only help the intellectually gifted but also the below-average students to learn and succeed. In particular, my goal as a teacher is preparing future professionals and leaders to use a quantitative approach (such as data analytics and simulation/mathematical modeling) for decision-making as well as improving business operations in manufacturing and service industry. Since I alternate teaching in engineering and business schools, I have tailored the learning outcomes for each student group depending on their background, technical expertise, and career paths, while ensuring to follow my teaching philosophy and achieving the goals.

Course Taught

Student Advising

As the major academic advisor, I have recruited and graduated 3 Ph.D. students and 2 M.S. students since joining MU in 2017. Currently, I am advising 8 Ph.D. students and 3 M.S. students. In addition, I am currently co-advising 2 graduate students at foreign universities - 1 Ph.D. student from Eskisehir Technical University, Turkey (currently at MU as a Fullbright Scholar in 4th year of his Ph.D. program) and 1 MS student from IIT Madras, India. Besides, I have mentored over 25 undergraduate students and provided them with research experience by involving them in sponsored research projects (e.g., NSF REU, NSF IRES, and industry-sponsored research). The students I have supervised and mentored have joined top-tier companies in the US, such as Boeing, Honeywell, Rockwell Automation, Lockheed Martin, Edward Elmhurst Health, and Lochmueller Group.

Current Students

Graduated Advisees

Supervisor/Mentor (students who are not my advisees but were supported on my grants)

Mentor/Advisor for Undergraduate Students

Thomas Willerth (IE honors), Stephen Swingle (IE honors), Ben McIntire (2023 Summer NSF REU Student), Abdullahi Ayantayo (2023 Summer NSF REU Student), Dylan Nojadera (2023 Summer NSF REU Student), Brianna Abam (2023 Summer NSF REU Student), Lilyan Groat (2023 Summer NSF REU Student), Brian Yang (2023 Summer NSF REU Student), Emma Lewis (2023 Summer NSF REU Student), Daniel Grenier (2023 Summer NSF REU Student), Carson Swain (2023 Summer NSF REU Student), Aditya Khowal (2023 Summer NSF REU Student), Zachary Bazile (2023 Summer NSF REU Student), Charan Govarthanaraj (2023 Summer NSF IRES Student), Vishnu Arun (2023 Summer NSF IRES Student), Prashish Lamsal (2023 Summer NSF IRES Student), Nikhil Vyas (2023 Summer NSF IRES Student), Sienna Schreiber (IE, 2023), Erik Starrenburg (IE, 2023), Mikey Joyce (EECS, 2022), Emily Pagel (IE, 2020), Trenton Grimshaw (IE, 2020), Grace Floyd (IE, 2020), Jacob Beeth (IE, 2020), John Tocco (IE, 2019), Alex Stone (IE, 2019), Dustin Smith (IE, 2018), Joshua Zack (IE, 2018), Abdulah Sibalo (Economics, 2018)